intox-icating rock!

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Better take a thrill pill and get ready for the tornado of rock headed your way! Brendan the blind guy recently spoke to Andrew from Melbourne hard-hitting rockers, PACING THE CAGE about their debut album 'Intox', which is "like a bag of hand grenades with their pins pulled", the musical and deeply personal yet highly relatable influences on the album, Andrew's moment of fame, or shame? with Kasey Chambers and why not to hand Alex the guitarist the keys to starting a gig! Check out the Keen Eye 4 Concerts website

We’d never really considered ourselves as you know, prog or you know, psych or anything like that, but...

Better take a thrill pill and get ready for the tornado of rock headed your way! Brendan the blind guy recently spoke to Andrew from Melbourne hard-hitting rockers, PACING THE CAGE about their debut album 'Intox', which is "like a case of hand grenades with their pins pulled", the musical and deeply personal yet highly relatable influences on the album,

another part of being proud of what we’re writting was to talk about topics that are personal to us,but also had that you know, had that social kinda’ responsibility to it, you know, a bit of relatability as well

As well as Andrew's moment of fame, or shame? with Kasey Chambers and why not to hand Alex the guitarist the keys to starting a gig!