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Mark Hoppus

Amy Shark 'See U Somewhere Tour' @ The Art House, Wyong June 29 2022

Amy Shark 'See U Somewhere Tour' @ The Art House, Wyong June 29 2022


Tonight, we’re here to talk about love and intimacy, as after-all, this is the most intimate show yet on the tour. I’m sure this sensational Love Monster needs no introduction, but I’m sure she’d love one anyway, and if not, well, tell her I Said Hi. So C’Mon, Everybody Rise like the excitement and anticipation here tonight for…

Amy Shark! …or at least that’s the name on the neon sign as the stage’s backdrop my friend tells me, just in case we had any doubt of who we were here to see. This reminds me of the beginning of an adult film warning that the following film may contain sexually explicit content… uhm, may?! Moving right along, even before the lights go out and Amy and her band take over the stage, the energy in this intimate theatre is electric and full of keen anticipation, made even greater I suspect, from the concert dry-spell thanks to COVID.

Will tonight meet our expectations and alleviate our musical-frustrations?

When the lights finally go out and the action begins, we’re assaulted with a colossal burst of full-band energy that sends the energy up to 11 straight off the starting line! I’m left, however, with a fear, “oh no, I can’t hear Amy’s vocals, have they messed up the sound mix?”... Then Amy apparently walks out onto the stage to start the first song… by the way, did I mention I’m blind?

Amy opens with a fan favourite with the perfect opening attention-commanding essence, ‘Everybody Rise’. The sound mix? No, they most certainly did NOT mess it up! I’m blown away with how not just good, but incredible, clear and balanced the sounds are with Amy’s potent voice penetrating the audience and resonating throughout! Starting off softly and slowly clearly isn’t Amy’s vibe, not with the way she prowls the stage with ease and confidence like a lioness, leaving the audience her obedient purring kitties, ready to do her bidding, like when she riles us up in the bridge section, to build up for a climactic finish!

After the second song, Amy greets us and talks us through what she’ll do to us tonight and that this isn’t your typical concert! (I do love a girl who’s straight up with what she’ll do). She tells us how there’ll be highs, lows, happiness, sorrow and then she’ll pounce when we’re not expecting it… or at least along those lines.

The next few songs do pretty much that, we’re dropped into nostalgic bittersweet depths with ‘Miss You’, then charged full-force out of the depths with ‘Blood Brothers’. ‘Blood Brothers’ is bright, playful and sweet like cherry blossoms… if you think that’s a weird thing to say then you really are new to my writing! Then Amy tops off the elevated vibe perfectly with some vocal cheekiness to get a reaction from us.

Then Amy tells us how every day when she wakes up, she just knows what kind of day she’ll have, and this next song was about one of those days when she woke up and “I just knew that today was going to be a shit day”. ‘Worst Day Of My Life’ keeps the musical energy ramped up pleasantly, whilst giving a somber lyrical paradox, which transitions nicely into the next song before introducing an enticing dark swagger feel, then stripping everything down for ‘Never Meet Anyone Like Me Again’ with Amy on an acoustic guitar which, wow! Her voice is so incredibly potent and beautiful and is perfectly demonstrated in this song!

I find that if an artist/band talks after every song it often tends to mess up the rhythm and flow of the gig. Amy however, talks to us in a perfect mix of rehearsed stories, and natural chatting, like how the next song, ‘Psycho’, (I didn’t know Amy wrote a song about me?) features Mark Hoppus from Blink 182 who is like, her all time favourite band! This is followed up by another song featuring a member of Blink 182, this time, one of the greatest drummers of all time, Travis Barker in ‘C’Mon’. Amy informs us that sadly Travis isn’t here, he’s with the Kardashians, then, just to soften the blow to her drummer uses this opportunity to introduce her band, including one of the best drummers in Australia. This is a little like a woman saying to her partner “baby you did great, really, you did”. I’m no drumming expert but I am very fond of the song ‘C’Mon’ and I honestly think the drummer tonight out performed Travis and put that extra heart-wrenching force behind the lyrics that drove the emotion home that much harder! As for ‘Psycho’ Amy played Mark’s part perfectly which didn’t leave any empty spaces in the song for not having Mark, and having these two songs back-to-back, as different as they are, go down perfectly with the audience!

You know how we’re talking about intimacy tonight? Well it’s not JUST me being a cheeky dork, the show tonight really is intimate, from the venue to Amy sharing hilarious, personal and serious stories about herself between her lyrically and musically emotive songs, you really do get a feeling of getting to know Amy in-depth, which really does make tonight feel special. Even to the point where Amy confesses that she doesn’t like encores, she find them a little bit cheeky, so she tells us that she’ll tell us this is the last song, then they’ll walk off stage, have a sip of beer, catch their breath, then we’ll all chant her name because it’s good for her self esteem, then they’ll come back out and play three of the biggest songs she’s ever released. Again, I love a woman that’s straight-up with what she’ll do!

The “encore” plays out just like that and is hilarious at how accurate to other concerts it is! What’s also hilarious is Amy’s story of not-so casually dropping how she recorded with Ed Sheeran “no big deal, Eddie, as I’ve got him saved in my phone”, into the story of winning over an Aunty-in-law who previously despised her, that she recorded a song with the Aunties Kyryptonite Keith Urban, and suddenly the Aunty was next to her at the table leaning in, “about to make-out”. And yes, Amy finishes with her massive hit ‘I Said Hi’ which after the incredible energy build up leading to this moment, has us all singing along at the top of our lungs and on our feet!

For me personally, this show was just what I needed after a stressful few days to take my mind off everything and leave a smile on my face! I honestly can’t fault the show tonight. The sound was incredible from both the venue and the performers, the setlist including placement of songs for the flow of energy and Amy’s charisma!

If anyone disagrees and has anything negative to say about the show or this review, well… 

Just tell them I Said Hi.