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Lawrence @ Metro Theatre, Sydney 22/01/25

Lawrence @ Metro Theatre, Sydney 22/01/25


Welcome to the family business right here with the soulful pop sensation that is, LAWRENCE.

Let me break it down for y’all, lead by siblings Clyde and Gracie Lawrence, this eight-piece pop/soul bands use of smokey, seductive and even moving use of brass and Clyde’s voice combined with dazzling ,energetic keyboard-lead pop elements with the funkiest of beats from drummer Sam, topped-off by Gracies incredible voice is testament to why despite this being the first time the band’s performed in Australia, both Sydney shows completely sold out well before these shows

The venue fills very quickly once doors open, and judging by the shrill excitement buzzing around me on the dancefloor, I’d normally expect this to be an indication of lots of pushing and getting all-up and personal with those around me, which I mean, if dinner and a drink is offered I normally don’t mind, but we’ll see. Luckily however, everyone around me is really polite, in good spirits and respectful of one another, it's a very good starting canvas for tonight!

So let’s start adding some colour and ‘zaz’ to that canvas shall we?

I honestly was dragging my feet a bit to bring me to the show tonight, I guess I just had a bit of start-of-year exhaustion, but straight away in opening song, touring album title track, ‘Family Business’ brings all those elements afore mentioned in my opening paragraph, and honestly, I can’t not smile and shake my booty, most likely to the horror of those behind me, but seriously you can’t not move to this funky music!

Clyde and Gracie interact with their audience from within their second song, and sustain the connection throughout the set, which is quite a lengthy one, filled with a beautifully curated blend of all the bands elements, highs, lows, sass, bite and everything in between.

I honestly am new to the bands’ music so I’m not too familiar with a lot of their tracks, but it really doesn’t matter, my interest, fascination and bum-wiggle stays throughout!

The sound you ask? Honestly, I can’t fault it, both from the sound mixer and the band! Both Clyde and Gracies vocals are nicely highlighted at the forefront of the sound, and I’m in awe in particular of Gracies voice! Going from happy, uplifting, attention-holding, to sassy, seductive, smokey, to larger than life brow-raising highs and deep serious melancholy.

The only somewhat negative thing I could say about the show, was I didn’t see a lot of movement of the band members. My friend did say after the show that Gracie did move around a lot, but still within her section of the stage. To be honest though, being an eight-piece band who need as much of their breath/energy for their instruments/vocals doesn’t leave a lot of space for moving around I wouldn’t imagine.

At the end of the day, the best most accurate thing I can say about one of Lawrence’s shows, is you can’t help but smile, get lost in the infectious blend of stunning sounds and dance shamelessly, ‘cause everyone else are too!

Definitely keen for the band to return to Australia, and I just hope wherever they perform, the venue has enough space for me to bring some of the friends to really well and truly break-out the dance moves!