Viewing entries tagged
momentous concert

Fire Fight Australia, February 16 2020


Fire Fight Australia, February 16 2020


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

A reason to celebrate, this is far from just

A nation in need, in devastations wake

We may be aching, but we will not break

World-class artists unite, and stand together

For one hell of a night we’ll remember forever!

Even as I arrive at the venue and check-in, wait no, even earlier when the organisers reached out to find out how best to accommodate me with my disability (lack of sight) at the event, I feel a warm, highly hospitable and sense of family from the event staff which emanates to all media guests, and I’m sure all disabled patrons alike, which I feel sets the organisers and promoters TEG Dainty and TEG Live, for today at the top of their class and worth recognition! Promising start indeed!

It’ll be very interesting to see how the flow of acts here today/tonight is, as I thought the positioning of artists on the scheduling was quite odd, for example, you’d think Queen would be on last right? Nope, not even close… (although I acknowledge the symbolism of having the mother and father of Australian singers, that is, John Farnham and Olivia Newton-John capping off the night) but wouldn’t most people just leave after Queen? And the sweet, bubbly indie-pop delight Amy Shark’s on straight after the good-ol’ creepy-crawlin’ theatrical-rock legend Alice Cooper, I mean, one extreme to the next! ...This shall be interesting indeed!

Up first is the country-rock swagger of Lee Kernaghan followed by the soulful serenity of Conrad Sewell and then the bouncin’ pimped-up beats of Baker Boy. For these three artists, although vastly different genres, each bring a similar and complementing energy. The country-rock swagger of Lee Kernaghan gets us all groovin’ despite the midday heat upon us, then the soulful vibes of Conrad Sewell cool us down whilst still lifting our spirits like a sweet frozen margarita! Baker Boy on the other hand, his catchy vocal flicks and fully loaded beats are more like a Jagabomb, you wanna down those beats as fast as you can and keep going, but if you’re not careful, they’ll knock you on yo’ ass!

Today it's already blatantly obvious that this is no ordinary event and yet there’s a paradox at play here. On the one hand, today brings the festival atmosphere, with over twenty performers over just shy of eleven hours. On the other hand, it’s made apparent to me as comedian, fund-raiser and presenter for today Celeste Barber and the other presenter talk to fans near the front of the stage and ask if anyone camped out, and yes, several people did camp out overnight to have prime positions at the barrier… like a normal concert… that happens to be broadcast live over several TV channels.

As Daryl Braithwaite performs the unofficial Australian anthem that gets 70,000 people all singing along to, ‘Horses’ and two other songs (yes, Daryl does actually have more than just that one song, shocking, I know right!) which is followed up by the heart-felt acoustic anthems of Pete Murray and the iconic rock-gritt of Grinspoon, no matter what music comes our way, the energy and mood in the stadium is the same, electric! And here’s why… Both Celeste with her cheeky humour and stunning costumes which change each time she emerges onto the stage, plus the other presenter,  remind people that although today is a happy occasion with world-class entertainment, the reason why we’re all here is to raise much needed funds for the recent devastation of the wide-spread bushfires, and although the recent deluge has doused most or all fires across the country (or at least in New South Wales), the damage is still there, lives have still been lost, infrastructure crumbled, wildlife depleted and crops, agriculture, businesses, all effected, and all needing help! And both presenters remind us to please buy a t-shirt which all profits go to bushfire relief and not just that, to simply just donate if you can! And the way they deliver these messages is sprinkled with humour and good-vibes which brings a buzzing air of comradery and sense of family, a family of 70,000! To add another special touch to the event, the male presenter brings out two volunteer firefighters to say a few words and have 70,000 appreciative fans applaud them for all their hard work! Plus what’s more, if all these incredible artists here today wasn’t heartwarming enough, several artists from around the world reached out to Australia via pre-recorded videos displayed here today, reminding us “Australia, you are not alone, we are here with you”.

Each performance throughout the night from Guy Sebastian (who dedicates ‘Battle Scars’ to all who've been affected by the fires), Jessica Mauboy, Ronan Keating (who steps off the stage and walks in front of the barrier high-fiving fans in his last song, all three songs in which take me back to the late 90’s), Peking Duk, 5 Seconds Of Summer, Delta Goodrum, Illy (the latter two who made especially crafty use of the full stage setup with catwalk), Amy Shark and Hilltop Hoods all bring a pure light to the event filled with an energy like none I’ve witnessed at any other concert event, you can feel how dedicated and strongly they’re committed to this worthy cause. Each artist/band connect with both the thousands of fans here at ANZ stadium, the probably millions watching on TV and those affected by the fires past and present in such a wholesome earnestness that can’t be faked!

As Australia's been devastated by recent bushfires, world-class artists and music fans alike came together for a massive concert for bushfire relief recently at ANZ Stadium Sydney, Fire Fight Australia! Brendan the blind guy was lucky enough to head along and had the opportunity to slip in a sneaky quick chat with iconic Aussie hip-hop pioneers, HILLTOP HOODS who donated their time to the worthy cause! Sign up to the Keen Eye 4 Concerts newsletter at

As amazing as it was to meet and do a quick interview with Hilltop Hoods, it did mean I missed Alice Cooper’s performance. Not to worry though, I have seen him live in the past and know it would’ve been incredible! 

Now for the main reason why a lot of people raced to get tickets and some camped out overnight, the legendary Queen + Adam Lambert! By this stage the energy isn’t quite as beaming as it was a few hours ago which is to be expected as things wrap-up but even with Queen and Adam being significantly later onto the stage than planned, the crowd go wild! Now of course experiencing Queen’s performance live is nothing short of special, but I have two minor let-downs personally (remember, I’m only one man’s opinion!) I was quite upset the band didn’t finish ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ instead flowing it into ‘Radio Gaga’ at the songs build up that makes everyone sing like a complete lunatic, you know, “I see a little silhouette-oh of a man, scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?” COME ON! WHY?!!! The other is really just my personal opinion. I thought as suitable as Adam’s voice is for the higher and some mid-range notes and yes he did do well, I don’t think he quite lives up to the legend of Freddy Mercury.

From rock to pop, to country and soul,

A beautiful energy, was brought from them all

The love and support from fans artists and more

Made this, for me and others I’m sure

One hell of a show…

We’ll remember forevermore 


The Amity Affliction - UOW Unibar, Wollongong NSW AU, January 24 2020


The Amity Affliction - UOW Unibar, Wollongong NSW AU, January 24 2020


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How do you feel? Are you okay? What happens when you’re not? When you feel all f****d up, you think to yourself “all I do is sink into my impending coffin”....

What do you do?...

Even those at the height of their euphoria, surely are affected too as the dramatic war/death-march bang of the drums and underlining bass to flickering lights, floats over the audience in a pent-up frustration-filled mist, as the band makes their grand entrance. This sets the perfect tone for what comes next.

Joel’s rapturous screams and the heavy minor tones in the first two songs (the second of which I’m fairly sure is new single ‘All My Friends Are Dead’ off the band’s upcoming album) build up the heat and aggression exponentially, which the crowd seem to consume as intended! Cleverly, the first two songs are powerhouse slaughters, screams of desperation, whereas the third song still keeps the energy at a red-hot fever-pitch, with constant movement of stage from the band, weaving through and around complementing lighting, which gives an emphasis to the frustration/desperation/angst feelings of the music. However, this song introduces Ahren’s clean more-melodic vocals as well as some free-falling piano droplets in the chorus after the wailing guitar riffs and aggressive scream vocals in the verses. This I feel puts more emphasis on the desperation. I have a feeling I’m on the money with the intent of the essence one feels in this song, as in the more pleading desperation of the chorus, both Joel and Ahren support each other perfectly in both sound and on-stage charisma, which makes one another stronger. So when Ahren reaches out to the audience to offer a hand in singing in the bridge section, it hits home hard!

The aggressive screaming vocals, rapid pounding drums seeming to emulate a rushing heartbeat, thick commanding bassline and razor-sharp guitar riffs that cut deep. Plus the acoustics of the venue don’t seem ideal, as I took note of the shiny wood flooring in which my cane slid across as I entered, and from what I can see, it’s a rather large venue. I can tell this as I can hear the sounds echoing off the walls and up the back… recipe for disaster. Just like a glimmer of hope, a slither of positivity, a lifeline if you will, in a terrible situation, these speakers are capable enough to hit us with the full-force of the bands punch (musically) AND keep perfect clarity, even at such high volume! But the real saving-grace is the sound mixer, who clearly knows this venue and/or the bands sound! Despite the reflective surfaces which the sound bounces to-and-fro in their own invisible moshpit, but the sound mixer prevails to my immense relief!

The mood is shifted slightly to a more uplifting hopeful essence with ‘Shine On’ and its anthemic easy to sing- along-to chorus. But when after ‘Shine On’ comes ‘Ivy (Doomsday)’ it maintains an anthemic power in the chorus, uplifting the energy in the crowd, whilst still delivering a serious, overwhelming potency in the songs core.

Now that this reckoning is in full effect, the crowd is hyped up to extreme levels, making me very thankful I chose to steer clear of the centre of the barrier! (two metres to my left is all hell breaking loose!) The security can’t keep up with the constant flow of crowd surfers, especially in crowd favourite songs like ‘Pittsburgh’, ‘I Take The Weather With Me’ new hit ‘Soak Me In Bleach’ and the grand finale of ‘All F****d Up’, seriously, as I watch the line of crowd surfers exiting/walking in front of the barrier, it seems as though half a dozen all came out simultaneously! No wonder the heat in here is extreme!

Instead of going on and on with how the band smash out all the songs to perfection, well, I do believe Ahren struggled a little in one of the choruses of the later songs, but I’ll turn a blind eye, but all you need to know is this…

Consistently throughout the set I, and I’m sure the rest of us here, are reminded of the power of music, friends, family and everyone around us to help guide us through dark times. The band display this perfectly with the way Joel and Ahren lean on each other and complement each other, as well as the band reaching out to their audience to help with singing key lines, letting the crowd sing lead whilst Ahren sings harmonies in the verse of one song drawing near the sets close, and melodies in strategic intervals, bringing an uplifting positive power to the heavy somber darkness of the songs’ meanings, in a perfect paradox!

How do you feel? Are you okay? What happens when you’re not? When you feel all f****d up, you think to yourself “all I do is sink into my impending coffin”....

What do you do? Reach out, ask for help and draw strength, courage and support from those around you like The Amity Affliction.

Music brings us together...


Elton John 'Farewell Yellow Brick Road' - First State Super Theatre Sydney, December 21 2019


Elton John 'Farewell Yellow Brick Road' - First State Super Theatre Sydney, December 21 2019


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Can you feel the love tonight? And if not, are you ready for love? As we step into Christmas and 2019 comes to an end, so does an incredible 57-year adventure, but not before traversing through the spoils of this iconic path, before we say goodbye yellow brick road for the last time, and do the crocodile rock with the rocket man himself!

Slip on your tiny dancer shoes and click your heels together three times, “we’re off to see the wizard! The wonderful Sir Elton John!...”

As the lights go down, the mighty Elton John emerges onto the stage and we’re all thrust into a world of magic, filled with buzzing euphoria, the first stops on this adventure are the iconic ‘Bonnie And The Jets’, ‘All The Girls Love Alice’, ‘I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues’, ‘Border Song’ and ‘Tiny Dancer’.

I’m instantly mesmerized by the sound on all fronts! The sound mix supremely highlights Elton’s iconic vocals, which are so sharp and poised, in both the falsetto pitches and the grandeur baritone vocals, as if decades haven’t passed, and he’s still in his youth, only having written the songs yesterday! This with Elton’s dazzling star-spangled costumes, well-choreographed stage visual and lighting seems to sprinkle a mist of magic throughout the theatre, transporting us all back in time!

Opening with ‘Bonnie And The Jets’ followed by ‘All The Girls Love Alice’ perfectly introduces the musical characters and sets the scene/plot-line! ‘Bonnie And The Jets’ brings forth a cool, refreshing soulful, yet uplifting mid-tempo dance sway, to grab the attention straight away, but not charge at the energy like a bull to a red rag… oh hello, here’s the red rag!  ‘All The Girls Love Alice’ rockets the energy forward dramatically, as if introducing the big-bad-enemy in the story. But in all seriousness, very well executed, as both these songs display two separate, yet complementing essences. (cruisy sway-dance/upbeat and energetic foot tapping and head bobbing)

Elton now greets us all, like Dorothy introducing herself to all the characters along the way in The Wizard Of Oz, and Elton does it in a way that speaks to both the masses in the theatre, and everyone individually somehow! This sparks more feel-good magic in the crowd for the infectious blues of ‘I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues’ before Elton delights us with reminiscent stories of his career, before we encounter a ‘Tiny Dancer’ along the yellow brick road.

This may be a Tiny Dancer, but what’s not tiny is the number of people standing up to dance in this song! Although it can be quite annoying having everyone stand up right in front of you, being seated, I honestly can’t blame them! Just like it’s no wonder why The Wizard Of Oz has become a household name and an icon, it’s no wonder why the same applies for Elton! I’ve got goosebumps from how tantalisingly perfect his vocals are whilst playing the piano like... well, like Elton John. I’m a pianist myself and “great scott!” I wish I could play the piano like that, but to play like that at his age… of 21… while bopping away, pointing and waving his arms when possible AND singing like that? Yeah, I’m out!

I guess all of Elton John songs are iconic, so it’s hard to pick which one to really delve into without blabbering on ‘til the new year. So one, two, miss-a-few and, oh! Hello!...

After a grand blues-rock flurry of piano swishes and complementive lights and visual effects in the bridge section of ‘Indian Summer’, the continuity is kept perfectly, seamlessly flowing ‘Indian Summer’ into a theatrical suspense-building video, bringing forth quite possibly my personal favourite, ‘Rocket Man’. The smile on my face just widened immensely! It’s funny, Elton’s vocals seem more on the baritone end than the recording, but it honestly seems like it’s intended, not that Elton can’t hit the higher notes. As a result, it actually seems more quintessentially Elton… it’s hard to explain, but I feel like if he did do the really high notes in the verses of the song, it would just seem out of place now? And if you were thinking “well maybe he’s too old and can’t sing like he once did?” well, sorry, no. The way he sustains the note near the end of the song and controls the vibrato in both his falsetto and baritone vocals shoots that theory down hard! And just to add the cherry on the top, that extra dash of magic, Elton activates different sounds on his piano for the dazzling piano solo at the end… wait, is he on a rotating platform? I swear he was facing me when I last looked through my distance magnifier?!

As we head deeper into the forest of magical sounds, we encounter a ‘Candle In The Wind’ which is met with a sea of standing ovations, in which I join in on, holding up my sign “DRUM STICK 4 BLIND GUY PLZ?!” After ‘Funeral For A Friend/Love Lies Bleeding’, to my amazement, someone from Elton/the band’s entourage comes up to me and hands me two drum sticks, informing me they’re from Nigel himself! Now, the reason why I mention this, is because it proves that it’s not just an illusion with how Elton speaks to several thousand people as if he’s only speaking to twenty-odd people, Elton and clearly his band are actually connected with the audience!

We’re in the second half of the show, and you might think people might be shifting in their seats, going to the bar, checking their phones etc? Well I doubt it, seeing as for example, the interest is perfectly maintained with honest, personal anecdotes from Elton, including talking about his own struggles with depression which he implores people to seek help when depressed, shattering the spell-woven illusion that Elton is some kind of God and not a human being like the rest of us. It’s also a little hard to drift off when theatrical dark, evil “wicked witch of the west” vibe wind and booming thunder claps (which I’m glad neither myself or my guide dog, with his heavy-duty dog ear-muffs on, have full bladders), along with call-and-response musical battles between Elton on the piano and Nigel on drums/percussion is peppered in the set!

But even the magical yellow brick road has an end. Finishing up (after profusely thanking us all and introducing/thanking his band of course) with the defiant power-punching whopper ‘I’m Still Standing’, followed by the infectious dance like nobody’s watching, sing-along crazily like the drunk-lady who’s pulled me up to join her in ‘Crocodile Rock’ and finally the final punch that vanquishes the evil witch in The Wizard Of Oz, ‘Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting)’ which is capped off with a burst of confetti! BAM!!!

But just like in a movie, or book, there’s also the epilogue/wrap-up after the climax right? Even Elton John dishes out an encore which consists of ‘Your Song and finally, poetically, ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’ as we too say goodbye yellow brick road!

The next day…

I may have 48 hours to publish this review, but I honestly can’t wait to tell the world of my thrilling adventures on the yellow brick road! I feel so incredibly honoured to have witnessed such a momentous occasion, and sitting here writing this review, I’m still awash in euphoric goosebumps!

Goodbye yellow brick road...
