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Lawrence @ Metro Theatre, Sydney 22/01/25

Lawrence @ Metro Theatre, Sydney 22/01/25


Welcome to the family business right here with the soulful pop sensation that is, LAWRENCE.

Let me break it down for y’all, lead by siblings Clyde and Gracie Lawrence, this eight-piece pop/soul bands use of smokey, seductive and even moving use of brass and Clyde’s voice combined with dazzling ,energetic keyboard-lead pop elements with the funkiest of beats from drummer Sam, topped-off by Gracies incredible voice is testament to why despite this being the first time the band’s performed in Australia, both Sydney shows completely sold out well before these shows

The venue fills very quickly once doors open, and judging by the shrill excitement buzzing around me on the dancefloor, I’d normally expect this to be an indication of lots of pushing and getting all-up and personal with those around me, which I mean, if dinner and a drink is offered I normally don’t mind, but we’ll see. Luckily however, everyone around me is really polite, in good spirits and respectful of one another, it's a very good starting canvas for tonight!

So let’s start adding some colour and ‘zaz’ to that canvas shall we?

I honestly was dragging my feet a bit to bring me to the show tonight, I guess I just had a bit of start-of-year exhaustion, but straight away in opening song, touring album title track, ‘Family Business’ brings all those elements afore mentioned in my opening paragraph, and honestly, I can’t not smile and shake my booty, most likely to the horror of those behind me, but seriously you can’t not move to this funky music!

Clyde and Gracie interact with their audience from within their second song, and sustain the connection throughout the set, which is quite a lengthy one, filled with a beautifully curated blend of all the bands elements, highs, lows, sass, bite and everything in between.

I honestly am new to the bands’ music so I’m not too familiar with a lot of their tracks, but it really doesn’t matter, my interest, fascination and bum-wiggle stays throughout!

The sound you ask? Honestly, I can’t fault it, both from the sound mixer and the band! Both Clyde and Gracies vocals are nicely highlighted at the forefront of the sound, and I’m in awe in particular of Gracies voice! Going from happy, uplifting, attention-holding, to sassy, seductive, smokey, to larger than life brow-raising highs and deep serious melancholy.

The only somewhat negative thing I could say about the show, was I didn’t see a lot of movement of the band members. My friend did say after the show that Gracie did move around a lot, but still within her section of the stage. To be honest though, being an eight-piece band who need as much of their breath/energy for their instruments/vocals doesn’t leave a lot of space for moving around I wouldn’t imagine.

At the end of the day, the best most accurate thing I can say about one of Lawrence’s shows, is you can’t help but smile, get lost in the infectious blend of stunning sounds and dance shamelessly, ‘cause everyone else are too!

Definitely keen for the band to return to Australia, and I just hope wherever they perform, the venue has enough space for me to bring some of the friends to really well and truly break-out the dance moves!

Kane Brown 'In The Air Tour' @ Qudos Bank Arena Sydney 19/11/2024

Kane Brown 'In The Air Tour' @ Qudos Bank Arena Sydney 19/11/2024


U.S country-pop superstar, gamer and all-round winning-guy, Kane Brown, has landed back down-under for his biggest Aussie tour yet, for his upcoming album ‘High Road’.

This champion was last here in 2022 for his headlining spot at Brisbane’s CMC Rocks Award Ceremony, plus a few extra stops around the country which launched Kane’s Aussie following straight up the high road to incredible heights, resulting in fans demanding his return!

I’m not usually into country music admittedly, but when my best mate saw him in 2022 and played his music for me, it intrigued me and caught my attention, so I guess I’m kinda like the villain in this game.

Let’s see if I can be turned from the dark side of the musical force…

So let me lay out the battlefield for y’all, I’m at the front barrier along the catwalk coming out from the middle of the main stage, well and truly impressed and warmed up by supporting artists Katie Bell and Cemeron Marlo, particularly Katie, as are the rest of the audience by the level of enthusiasm around me, and then it’s Kane’s turn.

Ima break this down into aspects, I guess kinda like Lego blocks.

First, the sound. At the front barrier of a concert, I opt for wearing my custom earplugs with their live music filters to both take the distorting edges of the sound to balance things out and make things generally more enjoyable, and of course, to protect my ears from damage. Tonight, yes, I do have my ear plugs in, but loosely, I ALMOST don’t need them. The sound is uhm, a bullseye, K.O, killshot, basically just insert whatever gamer adjective suits you. All sounds, Kane’s warm seductive vocals, the drums, piano, guitar and violin are all even and really well balanced for optimum enjoyment which, at the end of the day, is the most crucial aspect of a concert, the music.

But wait, THERE’S MORE! More? Yes Oliver Twist, more. Judging by the heat off to my right at parts, and that influx of light, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that’s pyros coming up from the main stage. This, added with confetti blasting a couple of times and screens and pretty lights, it adds a nice layer to complement the music just like the graphics of a game, so that’s pretty awesome.

Thirdly, throughout the show which is nicely flowing from song to song for its energy and feeling to rise and fall strategically in parts, without losing the crowd's attention even in the lower parts, which I was honestly thinking that would happen for me as I’m not exactly a “country” fan, but no, it’s keeping even my attention… wait, where was I going with that, my attention span isn’t good sorry. 

Oh that’s right, even throughout the strategic song choices, it’s not just Kane strutting up and down the catwalk in front of me, apparently the guitarist and violinist are too, and not just once. I really like this, as a lot of the time it’s just the lead singer making use of the catwalk at shows and the rest of the band are back on the main stage left in the background, relatively unappreciated.

And finally, Kane’s nicely connected with the audience pretty constantly during and between songs, not personally connected with individuals that make some rare concerts truly special, but it’s far from fake with the way he connects with us.

All in all, the sound was pretty damn on-par, the stage setup and effect/niceties added a nice frosting to the cake, the length of the set was satisfying without dragging it out past the audience's expiration date, and the stage presence from Kane and his band were pretty damn ace too!

AND no cliche planned encore, just playing all the songs and telling us/getting us all pumped for the actual last song.

So, in summary, for someone who’s not really into country music, I’m actually going out of my way to play Kane Brown on my speakers now and finding it quite enjoyable, he balances country with pop and rock nicely! 

So I guess you could say this is that scene in Return Of The Jedi, where Darth Vader sacrifices himself to save Luke from Palpatine, ending his dark tyranny for Luke.

Amaranthe ‘The Catalyst World Tour’ @ Metro Theatre Sydney 30/8/2024

Amaranthe ‘The Catalyst World Tour’ @ Metro Theatre Sydney 30/8/2024

The Catalyst Is Here!

The Catalyst is nigh, bringing forth the Drop Dead Cynical essence of Swedish heavy-metal mastery in its primal form that is Amaranthe! Amaranthe have been unleashing their glorious multi-genre-infused metal in all its ferocity, upon the Digital World since 2008, building up a strong, everlasting army of fans far and wide, but have yet to bring the Viral force down under… until now.

The feverish excitement is palpable throughout the venue as the band emerges shrouded in a mist of cinematic sounds and light, as they charge full-headed into opening songs, ‘Fearless’, my personal favourite ‘Viral’ and fan favourite ‘Digital World’. These songs ignite a fierce intensity of energy both on stage musically and in the wild blur of movement, and in the crowd's response. 

Despite the rowdiness of the fans and the “undesirable nature” of a couple of them that I perceived from their carrying on before the show started, and the way everyone rushed into the venue yelping and squealing like wolves (which made me opt for off to the side of the front row rather than smack-bang in the middle, since I do value my bones not being shattered), the crowd are all really, well… unexpected.

I’m reminded of how despite what most may think about the heavier genre’s, fans are generally respectful of one another and all just want to have fun, enjoy some expressive, powerful music and release some stress and quell some inner demons and the general shit of life, because in one way or another, we all have them, and metal music is the perfect way of coming together with loved-ones and complete strangers to connect and share the burden on day to day life, picking up everyone if they fall, and giving a jolly-big grin and your middle finger up at life.

From start to finish, the way the band all feed off each other's energy, amplified by us in the crowd and vice versa is nothing short of mesmerizing! Especially the synchronicity of all three vocalists, Elize, Olaf and Mikael, all shining in their own glory, with Elize like a hauntingly beautiful yet no less fierce primal goddess, soaring around the intense wrath of Mikael’s draconic roar, searing our senses. Finally, charging and prowling between these two enchanting powers comes Olaf with his surging, power-hungry commanding vocals, like a wicked bloodhound wolf… I promise you, I am not on drugs! Although, there were “sprinkles” on the doghnut earlier and it is Friday night in the middle of Sydney so who knows.

One thing that is often hard to harness, is a clear even sound at a metal show, especially from a band with so many musical elements as Amaranthe. Luckily, I can’t fault the sound mixer, they’ve nicely highlighted all three vocalists, without over-bearing one or another (usually the harsh vocals can drown out the clean vocals) but tonight, nor have the drums, bass or guitar been set out of proportion, it’s like the perfectly blended cocktail, shakin’ not stirred.

As the show finishes with fan favourite ‘Drop Dead Cynical’ and the crowd goes crazy, I notice that the show only went for 75 minutes or so instead of the typical 90 minute headlining set. I don’t feel unsatisfied or left needing more though, the high energy performance with the first ten songs being the more energetic powerful hits, then the last nine being a mix of more emotive slower songs, with the band being connected with the audience no matter what the feeling in the music, was anything but unsatisfying!

I very much look forward to when the fates allow Amaranthe’s glorious return to Australia, likely in larger venues after this memorable visit!