The New Yorks @ Hotel Steyne, Manly NSW Australia 18/08/2017 written by Brendan Lewis
You’re in the Northern Beaches area on a freezing cold Friday night, what do you do? You go
warm up with some rockin’ fresh new live music of course, and tonight, thats exactly what I’m
doing! A lively, nicely filled band room at the hotel indicates a lot of people had the same idea and
are all waiting in anticipation for Adelaide indie-rockers The New Yorks, who are, what? on time?
Not rock stars yet I’m afraid!
The bands first offering to the rock gods, ‘Red Or Green’ started the strong, precise beating of the
drums by drummer Jared. Heading further into the song, Vinnie on lead vocals proved he wasn’t
going to be a “statue” for the evening and rocked out in the little space he had on the tiny stage,
however Marcus and Carlos on guitar and bass respectively, weren’t so eager to move around
which did let Vinnies appropriate movements down a little sadly, but its only the first song right?
The band, not just lead vocalist Vinnie, addresses the audience and speaks rather confidently and
like a good ol’ rock band does at a sweaty pub gig, before heading into a well crafted, extended
intro to their track ‘Bad Man’ which caught the audiences attention and enticed them to move
closer to the sound like a moth to a flame. You know when you’re at the club and you’ve had a
couple of drinks, then a new song comes on that you like the sound of, so you casually sway
back and forth with your arms flailing around slightly in a dance-like way? Yep, thats what the
crowd were like for this song, which was good to see… ish, that the audience were actively
listening and enjoying the show so far. This said, it wasn’t enough to beckon a typical and wouldbe
appropriate clap along from the crowd in the songs bridge section, I think the band should’ve
instigated that, but Vinnie was still the only one moving around, at least noticeably.
Realising the crowds positivity towards ‘Bad Man’ Vinnie encourages the audience to “keep
dancin” for their sophomore-EP featured track ‘Truman’. This song certainly has the potential to
keep the crowd drunkenly staggering/dancing around with its stand out catchy guitar hooks and
melodies, along with Vinnies' powerful, wide vocal range resembling his beloved ‘The Strokes’
which he executed well on stage. This said however, I think the rest of the band needed to “rock
out” to show the audience how its done, to bring the nights vibe to a sufficient level worthy of the
The next song apparently a cover of Paolo Nutinis’ ‘Jenny Don’t Be Hasty' showcased more
strong guitar rifts and hooks accompanied by Vinnies’ well trained rock vocals, polished off
adequately by the sound mixer. I mean, the sound mixing didn’t make the vocals shine brightly in
the set, but it was all clear and enjoyable. But really, the crowds dancing did subside a little and
didn’t sustain the previous songs energy.
Before the show, lead vocalist Vinnie told me how the band have always been influenced by blues
and jazz, this was shown in the next song ‘Claims And Judgemental Brains’ with its funky-town
bass and blues-rock vibes. The ear catching contrast of this song plus the band prompting the
crowd to stand up and buy a drink maybe? and Vinnie, but still only Vinnie, rocking out to the
funk, made up for the last songs loss of energy nicely, which did indeed draw the moths (drunken
patrons) ever so slightly closer to the flame.
After the funky blues feels the previous song left the audience with, the goal posts for the nights
hype were set and sustained for the next three songs, single ‘We Enjoy This Too Much’, ‘Head
Rest’ with its attention grabbing faster beats and creative effects, and ‘New Age’ with its strong
intro and familiar rockin’ hooks and rifts. At this stage now though, you’re probably thinking
‘hmmmm nice, I get the picture with the adjectives thanks, but I want something a bit more
exciting now before I stop reading’ right?
I couldn’t agree more, that’s why the bands cover of Franz Ferdinands ‘Take Me Out’ which the
band performed really accurately to the original and with Vinnies’ vocal style perfectly suited for
the song, got the audience properly-ish dancing around and moving up to the front of the stage
invading my personal bubble I’d cherished up until this point. This song perfectly caught
everyones attention and if it were played slightly earlier in the set with the whole band rocking out
on stage to it, it would’ve won the crowd over so much sooner and complimented their own
songs far more I believe! Because now there’s only two more songs left now right when we’re all
getting into the swing of it.
The New Yorks @ Hotel Steyne Manly 18/08/2017
Of course that killer cover of ‘Take Me Out’ gave a nice buzz to the night’s moths around the
camp fire (band) for the last two songs ‘I Hope He Knows’ and finally, thanking the crowd before
my personal favourite single from the band ‘Sir Wolf’. The songs’ ‘Kings Of Leon’ reflective rough
rock vocals and contrasting ‘The Kooks’-like melodies with candid lyrics, even got patrons
clapping along in the pre-choruses which should’ve happened in the first songs’ bridge section.
Now you want more after the raised hype aye? Well nope, that’s it, and luckily for me as I’m at 920
words now, and fresh out of suitable adjectives and metaphors for this episode!
I did enjoy this show, and for a band so young and early on in their music careers they’re definitely
got something good going for them with their sounds for sure, and with a bit of tidying up of their
set and performance they’ll be a force not to be under-estimated for sure!